1. Aline Proulx

    i made and appointment for my schnauzer at the vet,,,sometimes he cannot hold his urine,and he’s been out half an hour before, somebody told me its a sign of diabetics,,,,is it possible my baby will be 10 years old in August. Thank you,,,,Aline

    • Hi Ms. Proulx,

      Thank you for your comment, and I hope you found the information helpful. Given your fur baby is having trouble holding his urine, I think you’re making a great decision to have his primary care doctor check him out! It is true some diabetic patients need to urinate more frequently, but there are also many other causes of the signs. So the best first step is a complete evaluation with your family veterinarian. Although I hope it doesn’t happen, IF your boy’s health becomes complicated, you make find it helpful to consult with a board-certified veterinary internal medicine specialist. Keep up the great job being a dedicated and proactive pet mom!

  2. Denise Grzywacz

    Excellent article. My almost 12 year old dsh was diagnosed in September & its been hectic to say the least. I love my cat, Lisa, and want the best for her.

    • Hi Ms. Grzywacz,

      Thank you for the kind words about my blog post. I hope you will consider sharing the information with other pet parents you know. If you are having challenges with your diabetic fur baby, you may find it helpful to consult with a board-certified veterinary internal medicine specialist in your area. Keep up the great work!

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